October 8th 2009 Johnathan Tristan Paxman was born at 2:15pm. He weighed 1 pound 4 ounces and is 12 3/4 inches long. I will fill in all the details of how he was born but I just wanted to vent. I love the nurses at the NICU but it is stressful to have nob turners. JT will recover his oxygen on his own, but some nurses don't give him a chance. IT IS FREAKING ME OUT!!!
Hey Aubry I am glad you have your blog going again. I found yours through Marye's blog! What a small little world it is. I miss you and hope JT is doing well.
Loves Jessica W.
VENT AWAY HONEY! I totally understand! It took them 4 days to figure out what was wrong with Porter. I talked to Cody tonight & he said JT was on the same treatment they are giving Porter now. Nitric Oxcide. I'm right down the hall if you ever want to get away! I loved going to lunch with you the other day!
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